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Here are Exan’s Customer Success goals for 2022:

  • Engage with our customers at every level to provide a more integrated Customer Experience
  • Refresh axiUm’s understanding of industry priorities to drive roadmap decisions
  • Trial a diverse offering of education and optimization initiatives for success in axiUm

Open letter to our axiUm friends, long-standing and new,

My name is Mat Tzetzos, Head of Customer Success at Exan.

At the beginning of 2020, having just successfully run Summit, plans were being made to prioritize software enhancements, build feedback into the platform, and explore opportunities to contribute to our customers’ success. Like the rest of the world, however, Exan’s playbook went out the window and we entered survival mode only a month later. Falling into that holding pattern of how to keep the lights on while navigating staff engagement and wellbeing, our opportunities for thought leadership and feedback loops were diminished. We saw the needs of the industry rapidly shifting and we were unable to keep pace at the rate we had hoped. We saw some unexpected turnover in staff and many of you will know our amazing colleague, Lauralynn, who is a wealth of industry and specific customer knowledge, retired early in 2021. We have been left with some lovely shoes that are terribly difficult to fill.

Now, with the state of the pandemic improving and as we gain clarity into our new work environments, Exan is refreshing our commitment to adding value for our customers. I am empowered to explore scalable ways to engage with our customers, use data driven insights to produce content and help you get more out of axiUm. Over the coming months, we will be piloting programs which will introduce solution-focused content to help you optimize and refresh your environments. We will provide ample opportunity for customers to provide feedback and further clarity into our near- and long-term roadmap priorities.

Through 2021, many of you may have heard from new names and unfamiliar faces. We’ve been busy adding members to our teams across the board; a trend that will continue as we expand to keep up with the needs of our customers. This year, those names and faces will be asking a lot of questions and having candid conversations about where we’ve been, so that we can continue to develop where we’re going. I have had a chance to speak with many of you myself and I’ve appreciated the transparency you’ve shown and clarity I’ve gained. I would like to continue to return that favor as we discuss the competitive landscape in which we find ourselves. axiUm may not be the only option anymore, but I am dead set on making sure we continue to provide the most comprehensive and best solution for dental academic institutions.

We understand how large an investment your organizations have made into implementing and operating axiUm and how critical it is to your day-to-day operations. My goal for the Customer Success team in 2022 is to end the year with axiUm delivering more value to each of our customers than it did at the start of the year. Please feel free to reach out to me and my team if you’re interested in hearing more.


Corinna Bates

Author Corinna Bates

Marketing Specialist | Exan Software

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